Tortilla Soup
Tortilla Soup
Fried Tortilla Strips, Chopped Cabbage, Salsa Fresca, Queso Ranchero,
Avocado Cubes, Chopped Cilantro, Lime Wedges
This is the view from my kitchen window. I love this view and have spent many wonderful hours in my kitchen cooking and looking out this window but today the sight was quite spectacular. California is in an El Nino cycle and we are being blessed with a torrential rainstorm! If you look in the center of this picture, the brown is a river running right through my front lawn. It came from my driveway which was also flooded from the our mini-creek that overran its banks with the down pour. As I looked outside at the wet landscape I thought of soup. I had a chicken I needed to cook in the refrigerator, so it was decided, tortilla soup for dinner tonight.
I love tortilla soup. Not only can it be made in under thirty minutes, it is a complete meal. Kind of like a soup and salad in one bowl. I love the heat of the soup, its spice, the melted cheese and the crunch of the cabbage and tortillas. Everybody loves this meal because YOU get to choose the condiment for your soup. If you do not like avocado, skip it! The base is traditional; I learned how to make this in the home of a women in San Miguel de Allende, but the condiments are up to you. You should at least have tortilla strips, a bit of cheese and some chopped cilantro but after that use your imagination or whatever you have in your refrigerator!
Enjoy the recipes below!
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